AEA is unmatched in providing useful resources to its members. Many members, like yourself, are interested in issues and concepts that are far-reaching, some beyond the scope of the state. AEA is proud to offer a professional library of information, along with training and workshops designed for educators.
AEA members have access to invaluable information about your profession and the activities of your association through regular publications. They include:
AEA members also receive resources for imporving your practice through your combined membership with NEA. The NEA Professional Library includes:
The Education Policy and Professional Practice (EPPP) Department designs and offers professional studies to begin working on PLUs at state and regional professional learning events around the state.
These opportunities are free to AEA members. The fee for non-members is $250 for CEUs and $500 per professional study for a PLU. To learn more about AEA’s professional development opportunities email Dr. Pamela Fossett.